Sunday, December 25, 2005

Report from NY...

In case you hadn't heard, it get's cold in NY.

Arrena and Mom spent a few days in NY early in December, and I joined them at the end of the week. In midtown Manhattan, surrounded by crowds and noise and lights, and in freezing cold, Arrena seemed to be right at home. She got to see the tree at Rockefeller Center and hang out in Times Square. Even though she was bundled within an inch of her life, we were worried that she would be too cold. Nah. She managed to fall asleep out in the middle of Times Sqaure. Our little traveling girl...

Monday, December 19, 2005

Thanksgiving is for...

There is a commercial currently running with John Madden touting some fancy phone service. "Now's the time of year," he says, "when we come together, don't talk to each other, and watch football." Arrena already seems like an old pro when it comes to the holidays. Here she is watching an NFL game at Thanksgiving over her auntie's house. She barely knew the rest of us were there.

Honestly, we don't let her watch that much T.V. But she is her parents' child. From day one she has been fascinated by football. Most of the time, if the tube is on showing something else, she couldn't care less. But if there's a game on, she's enthralled.

Yes, she's a Raider fan.

Yes, she's mad.