The Big Reveal

The dreaded Lady Bug has tortured millions with its demonic colors and ticklish landing on arms and legs...................... oh, who are we kidding? She's just adorable. Those marks on her cheeks aren't from us beating her black and blue (yet), but the cute little freckles that where drawn on her face. Freckles that were lost as she likes to tackle Mommy at the knees and rub her face in my jeans. cute.
Still, it was a big day for Arrena. Her first party of the day was at daycare. Once they were up from their naps, the kids were all dressed in their finery and taken outside for a party. While Arrena seemed to enjoy the cookie she was eating when I arrived, she was......uh......less than overjoyed with the scary skeleton that would flash red eyes and speak whenever anyone got near it. No matter where she was in the backyard, she kept her eye on that thing.
After, we met up with a crazy group of goblin friends (and their kids, haha) and went Trick or Treating. The beauty of it all was that Arrena got very good at holding her bag open, not so good at saying "Trick or Treat!" but others handled that for her, AND, .........she has no idea that those lovely small packages that she received, ARE CANDY!!! Actually, she doesn't know what candy is. So, in order to protect our child from bad influences (sugar, cavities, heck, let's throw in high blood pressure, diabetes, and scurvy), Daddy and I have taken it upon ourselves to eat it all for her. I know, we're such givers. Here are a few other pictures of our Fright Night.
O.K, I added the kiss just for me. :-)